Thomas Beanlands' work makes reference towards an increasingly mobile and adaptable society. The study of transitional living has lead Beanland to create 'garments nomad'. Under this label transportable environments are formed offering a unique physical intervention on situation, context and environment. Transportable environments create interaction of public space. Projects take inspiration from sporting culture and suburban living using latest generation materials and technologies.
'Rucksacks morph into swinging seats and wearable tents invite a comment on how the garments we wear daily can provide us with an alternative'.
Nomadic living is flexible, adaptable and independent. Fabric architecture becomes animated through transformation and multifunction. Clothing adapts and transforms to each site-specific environment in which it is placed.
Thomas Beanlands work oversteps the boundaries of art, design, fashion, architecture and performance.
Formal Education.
2002-2005 Falmouth University College of Arts. Cornwall. BA (Hons) 3D Design for Sustainability. First class degree.
2001-2002 FCA Cornwall. Foundation Studies in Art & Design ABC Diploma. Specialised in sculpture, print & graphic design.
Gained merit.
Secondary level education.
2000-1998 Thomas Mills Technology College. Framlingham, Suffolk. A-levels. Art, Design and Manufacture.
ADOBE Photoshop CS2. ADOBE Illustrator CS2. Laser cutting. CAD/CAM, Digital printing. Industrial stitching. Template cutting. Fine tailoring skills. Pattern-making and sewing. Breadth of knowledge within performance fabric, spec and application.